Monday 14 September 2015

StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void Release Date, Cinematic Trailer Revealed

[UPDATE] During the presentation, Blizzard announced that StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void will launch on November 10. A cinematic trailer was also released. You can watch the impressive video below.
The original story is below.
During a special event in downtown Los Angeles today, Blizzard Entertainment will release the opening cinematic for StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void and announce the game's release date.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

23 Wrestlers Added to WWE 2K16 Roster

2K Sports on Tuesday announced even more wrestlers for WWE 2K16. This week's confirmed characters include Billy Gun, Vader, and Jake "The Snake" Roberts, among others.

Jurassic World Becomes Fourth Film Ever to Earn $1 Billion Internationally

This summer's dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic World has now earned more than $1 billion at the international box office. Variety reports that the film--the fourth in the Jurassic Park franchise--is now one of only four movies to hit this milestone.

Darksiders Devs Using Crowdfunding To Revive Classic Comic Series as JRPG

Developers from the studio behind Darksiders have launched a Kickstarter to bring back a much-loved fantasy comic book series as a turn-based RPG.

Heading up the studio, which is called Airship Syndicate, is Joe Madureira--a veteran comic book artist renowned for his work at Marvel Comics--and Ryan Stefanelli. Together the two founded Vigil Games.

New Apple TV to focus on games

Apple stumbled into the games business almost by accident not long after it released the iPhone in 2007, igniting a new multibillion-dollar mobile games industry in the process.

Could a new Apple device - one linked to the television - shake up the market for game consoles? The idea no longer seems ridiculous to many people in the games business. Apple is expected to make games a primary selling point of its new Apple TV product, scheduled to be announced on Wednesday in San Francisco, according to people briefe

Sunday 6 September 2015

Watch Out for Fake Star Wars Battlefront Beta Sites

Registration for the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront beta has not yet opened. As such, any site claiming to offer access to it is fake and should be avoided, Electronic Arts community manager Matthew Everett says.

"Do not be fooled by fake beta sign-up sites," he wrote on Reddit. "Our beta registration will live on our official site here:"

The Battlefront beta begins in early October for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. You do not need to preorder the game to get access, but EA has yet to say exactly how you'll be able to get in.

Battlefront's beta sounds fairly extensive. It lets you try out the 40-player Walker Assault mode and play a Survival Mission. You can also check out the new mode, Drop Zone, in the beta. EA has not provided a specific start-date for the beta or say how long it will last.

Battlefront launches on November 17, about a month before Disney's Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens hits theaters in December. EA is also releasing tie-in DLC for Battlefront based on the movie.