Friday, 31 July 2015

PSA: Last Day to Redeem Club Nintendo Download Codes

If you claimed any games but have yet to use their codes on the eShop, you need to do so soon.

With Club Nintendo having shut down last month, the time has passed for earning coins and rewards. However, there is one final deadline to be aware of.

If you used your coins on any digital game codes, then today, July 31, is your last day to redeem them on the Wii, Wii U, or 3DS eShop. Codes will be rendered useless tomorrow, August 1.
This is the last of what has felt like countless end dates for Club Nintendo. Games and systems stopped coming with Club Nintendo reward codes earlier this year, and then there were deadlines for earning coins,getting Elite Status gifts, and claiming rewards. Now, all that's left is to use any download codes you might have (and to wait for any physical rewards to ship, which Nintendo says will happen by the end of September).
Nintendo announced the long-running rewards program's closure in January. It's set to be replaced by a new program that has still yet to be detailed much beyond the fact that it covers 3DS, Wii U, smart devices, PCs, and Nintendo's next system, NX.

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